Semi Homemade Cinnamon-Sugar Nutella Sandwiches

Semi-homemade Cinnamon Sugar Nutella Sandwiches

What you need:

  • Frying pan or cast iron skillet
  • Spatula


  • 2 Nutella Uncrustables, frozen
  • 1-2 Tablespoons of butter
  • Cinnamon-Sugar mix
    • You can buy this premixed at the store but if you want to make this at home, mix 1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon with 1/4 cup granulated sugar. Store excess in a container with lid in pantry.

Directions (prep: 5 min | cook: 5 min)

  • Heat pan on stovetop over med heat
  • While pan is heating, remove Uncrustables from plastic wrap
  • Once pan is hot, add butter
  • Once butter has melted, place Uncrustable in pan. Fry until toasted on bottom - about 30-60 seconds.
  • Flip sandwich and dust lightly with cinnamon-sugar. Allow sandwich to remain in pan until toasted on opposite side. 
  • Remove from pan to plate, placing the dusted side of the sandwich facing down on plate. Lightly dust sandwich again with cinnamon-sugar and enjoy!


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